So as I've been getting back into blogging, I decided that I want to have a little bit of structure and have a theme for each day! That way, it will help me keep on track with blogging, and it will just be fun! I was brainstorming ideas last night and here's what I have so far:
Monday - Makeup Monday
I'm not a huge beauty guru, like so many other amazing blogger/vloggers on the internet, and I don't know very much about makeup, but I do quite enjoy wearing and buying it from time to time! On Mondays, you can look forward to product reviews/reactions, products I've been loving, fashion pieces, etc.
Tuesday - Talk About... Tuesday
If there's one thing I love, it's to TALK! Whether it's about TV shows, books, movies, current events, or even what's going on in my life! On Tuesdays, I will just sit down, and talk to you guys about whatever is on my mind!
Wednesday - Weird and Wacky Wednesday
I am EXTREMELY weird, and I think that's a good thing! So Wednesday will be dedicated to all things weird!
Thursday - Throwback Thursday
For those of you who use Instagram, this won't come as a surprise to you. For those of you who don't, Throwback Thursday is a day where I will talk about things of the past, memories, nostalgia, you get the picture! You may see a few baby photos here and there!
Friday - Favourites Friday
It's coming to the end of the week, so this day will be dedicated to talking about my favourite things of the week. Lots of vloggers do monthly favourites, but my opinions change so quickly that I don't think I have many things that I love for an entire month!
Saturday - Storytime Saturday
Lots of embarrassing things happen to me, so I'll tell you about them!
Sunday - 'Spirational Sunday
Yes, I shortened the word Inspirational. So sue me. Here you can expect inspirational quotations, Bible verses I love, what my Pastor talked about in church that morning, whatever!
I'm also thinking about having monthly themes every other month, where every day of the month, along with my regular daily post, I will have a post catered to that theme! I've only thought of a few so far, but here they are:
The 30 Day Snap (as talked about in my previous post)
Cooking with Sophie (This past year at university I was super lazy about cooking, but I want to branch out and cook more healthy/exciting things! I'll post the recipes as well!)
A Song A Day (I'll share what song is currently stuck in my head!)
Alright! So those are my ideas so far! If any of you have any suggestions for other monthly themes, OR if you absolutely hate my weekly ideas and you have a better one, leave a comment below with your suggestions! I'd love to hear them!
I really am looking forward to posting these!
xoxo Sophie